VoxVision, The most integrated call reporting tool available for Swyx

Get the insights you need to exceed your customer’s expectations.

VoxVision is a ground up developed call reporting tool for Swyx.  Its clean and modern user interface makes it simple to get the business intelligence you need quickly and easily.  Developed solely for Swyx, our close integration results in lower user administration and more accurate reporting.  VoxVision continuously synchronises agents, groups and their membership information directly from the Swyx server.  This ensures that your reports are accurate and contain the information you need to manage your staff and your business.  VoxVision’s dashboard view provides you with a real-time activity feed, and a high-level overview of call activity for a choice of pre-defined periods helping you to identify trends with ease.

VoxVision is available in English, German, French, Dutch and Icelandic.  Get in touch for a free trail.